Last week's weight: 151.0
This week's weight: 150.0
Weekly weight lost:
Total weight loss: -2.4
Because this is all I want to do lately... EAT EVERYTHING!
Courtesy of Fish
Talk about slow progress. But I guess slow progress is better than no progress. And slow progress without exercising is all that one can hope for. I am only a single pound away from losing +40 pounds since February 1st. I can't wait to see the 140s again on the scale.
This summer has been kicking my ass of late. Ever since my return from Iowa, I feel like my schedule is in constant upheaval. We had family staying with us for a week two weeks ago and then we went to New York to the Scientist's family's summer cabin. And we are heading up to the Catskills again this weekend. But that should be the last thing item on the agenda that stands in the way of me and exercise (well, that and my lack of motivation).
I'm not kidding myself and fully realize that if I try to commit to a workout program right now, I would only falter and get really pissed off at myself. So currently, I'm trying to be more active -- take more walks, not sit down on my ass as much. It's working, but not as well as it should be. I pretty sure know what program I'm going to be using, but have to pump myself up to nail down the final decision.
The Scientist and I have also discussed the timing of "The Goal". We are pushing back "The Goal" until November due to my own need for photography perfection. Certain environmental things need to look a certain way for me to be truly happen with these photos. So we are down aiming for early to middle of November. That gives me a little extra time, but I am going to still aim for the original date and use the extra weeks as bonus weeks should I need them.
I've also realized that these posts are probably really boring. Apologies, but these posts are supposed to keep me accountable. I hope to soon be able to return to some funny posts as well.