Last week's weight: 147.0
This week's weight: 146.4
Weekly weight lost:
Total weight loss: -6.0
So we are still going down, slowly, but going down. I'm 3 pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight of 143.0 -- only taken me 7 months to get this far. But I think that I'm going to do something a little drastic in order to reach my goal by November. I still have 11 pounds to go in about 8 weeks. I've been researching (which according to the Scientist, I shouldn't be able to use that word, because doing a google search is NOT researching).
But I'm really considering doing the
Whole30. From what I can gather about it, it's basically eating Paleo for 30 days straight. What's Paleo you ask?
Paleo is the latest trend in eating. You are eating only things that a cave man could eat. That means that you are eating a lot of vegetables and fruit and meat. You stay away from processed foods basically (you
can eat processed foods, but with the list of things that you are NOT allowed to eat -- it's probably easier to skip them or get really good at ID'ing ingredients in the list). And you stay away from dairy, sugar, gluten and alcohol. THAT'S what I think that I'm going to have a problem with.
No dairy, no sugar, no gluten, & no alcohol. They stay that you should actually stay away from all bread and pasta even if it is gluten-free to really get "in the zone of Paleo". I think that it's going to be super difficult -- I don't know if I am going to be able to do it. I can't rid my house of all the bad foods on their list because I have a toddler that needs dairy, eats sugar and gluten. I have to do a little more research on it. But the research are usually pretty great. You aren't supposed to step on the scale the entire 30 days because it's just a number. You should put more importance in how you feel, the energy you have and how your clothes are fitting. But I just read about some one who did it for the month of August and she was three month postpartum and she lost 13 pounds. She ate a lot and she didn't take a hit to her milk supply (which is something that I need to consider as I'm still breastfeeding my littlest).
I'll update more later on my findings and if I'm going to committ to this for the next 30 days.