Thursday, June 27, 2013

I'll let Paul do all the talking...

As sweet dear Paul Anka croons...  I'm having your baby.  Okay, not exactly your baby, but the scientist's baby.  I'll let that sink in...

Today I'm officially 9 weeks.  We went in for our first appointment on Tuesday and saw the little one.  And yes, there is only one in there (I made sure to double stress the singleness of that little fetus).  Everything looks great on the inside and the eviction arrival date is set as January 30, 2014.

If you are going to ask how I'm doing, don't (it'll just lead to a short list of loud complaints).  But if you are going to ask, I've seen better days.  Morning sickness kicked in at about 6.5 weeks.  I had morning sickness with my first, but this time it's different.  With my girl, I would wake up debilitatingly sick and have to roll onto my stomach and slowly creep to the edge of the bed, kneeling on the floor to gain some footing before standing up.  I would head to the bathroom, take my zofran and be perfectly fine within minutes and for the rest of the day.  For part Deux, I wake feeling nauseous but not severely so.  I go to the bathroom, take my zofran and feel better within minutes for only minutes it seems.  Most of the day, I'm teetering between feeling exhausted and feeling like someone punched me in the gut.  The best way I can describe how I feel is if you don't eat to the point where you are starving hunger and are getting nauseous -- yeah, that's where I am most days all day.  Being that it feels like a nauseous hunger striking, I have had to problems eating through it (even though I feel just as terrible after I'm done eating).

I'm also exhausted, exhausted, exhausted (that made me tired just repeating that).  With a 16 month old to chase after who has more stores of energy than the Energizer Bunny, it's not like the first time when I could just lay around and rub my bloated stomach.  I seem to be able to keep up with her, but I always sag when it comes to making dinner (which I'm going to blame on the nauseous).  That poor little girl is going to be eating pork & beans or spaghettio's for the next month (in which I enter into my second trimester and get the mythical burst of energy).

But those are my only two complaints right now.  I feel full & bloated, but not uncomfortably so.  I also feel fat. Those things I'm not going to complain about.  I guess I stopped being so self-centered and vain.

I have a cousin who announced her pregnancy to our family early and she is only two weeks ahead of me.  The fact that we got pregnant so closely together is kind of crazy if you think about it.  I'm also hopeful that my brother and sister-in-law will be announcing at some point soon.  My s-i-l and I were pregnant together fairly closely the last time (babies born within 4.5 months of each other) and I know that they are trying.  So my chubby little fingers are crossed for them...

I think that I'm going to start weekly "bump" photos.  I never did those with my first and with this (hopefully) being my last -- it's either now or forever hold your peace.

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